Dim selSQL As String
Dim fromSQL As String
Dim whereSQL As String
Dim groupSQL As String
Dim allSQL As String
Dim func As String
Next, we create a query definition object that will be used to run the dynamic SQL statement. "CustomReport" is a query I created in the visual query builder. It's just a container that will ultimately be used to run the dynamic SQL statement.
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("CustomReport")
Next, initialize the SQL query strings.
selSQL = "SELECT m.PayYear"
fromSQL = " FROM client_list c INNER JOIN metrics m ON c.apexID = m.apexID"
groupSQL = " GROUP BY m.PayYear"
whereSQL = " WHERE 1=1"
Next, we will build the SELECT and GROUP BY portions of the SQL statement from values selected on a form:
In this case, we will Sum the Admin Fees and Gross Pay amounts and group those amounts by Salesforce Client, Quarter, and Salesforce Industry. We will be creating our report from a mini data warehouse we've built from data exported out of Salesforce.com and from another system called Summit Apex.
The following statements iterate through the different Display Value fields to retrieve the selected values and apply them to the SQL sections. Notice how the aggregate function is set in a variable called "func." If the user chooses "none" from the Aggregate Function radio group, then we will simply set the groupSQL string equal to "" near the end of the subprocedure.
' Time Detail Level
If Me.optTime.Value = 1 Then
selSQL = selSQL & ", m.PayMonth"
groupSQL = groupSQL & ", m.PayMonth"
ElseIf Me.optTime.Value = 2 Then
selSQL = selSQL & ", m.quarter"
groupSQL = groupSQL & ", m.quarter"
End If
' Client Level
If Me.optClLevel.Value = 1 Then
selSQL = selSQL & ", c.ApexID, c.ApexName"
groupSQL = groupSQL & ", c.ApexID, c.ApexName"
ElseIf Me.optClLevel.Value = 2 Then
selSQL = selSQL & ", c.ApexSFIDCaseSens, c.SalesforceName"
groupSQL = groupSQL & ", c.ApexSFIDCaseSens, c.SalesforceName"
End If
' Aggregate Function
If Me.optFunc.Value = 1 Then
func = "SUM"
ElseIf Me.optFunc.Value = 2 Then
func = "AVG"
ElseIf Me.optFunc.Value = 3 Then
func = "MAX"
ElseIf Me.optFunc.Value = 4 Then
func = "MIN"
ElseIf Me.optFunc.Value = 5 Then
func = ""
End If
' Metrics
For Each indx In Me.lstMetrics.ItemsSelected
If func = "" Then
selSQL = selSQL & ", m." & Me.lstMetrics.ItemData(indx)
If func <> "SUM" Then
selSQL = selSQL & ", " & func & "(m." & Me.lstMetrics.ItemData(indx) & ") as " & Me.lstMetrics.ItemData(indx) & func & "PerMonth"
selSQL = selSQL & ", " & func & "(m." & Me.lstMetrics.ItemData(indx) & ") as " & Me.lstMetrics.ItemData(indx) & "_" & func
End If
End If
Next indx
' Attributes
For Each indx In Me.lstAttr.ItemsSelected
selSQL = selSQL & ", c." & Me.lstAttr.ItemData(indx)
groupSQL = groupSQL & ", c." & Me.lstAttr.ItemData(indx)
Next indx
Next, we choose from a set of Attribute Filters to start building the WHERE clause.
' Date Range
If Nz(Me.txtBegDt.Value, "") <> "" And Nz(Me.txtEndDt.Value, "") <> "" Then
whereSQL = whereSQL & " AND m.MonthEndDate BETWEEN #" & Me.txtBegDt.Value & "# AND #" & Me.txtEndDt.Value & "#"
End If
'Company Number
If Nz(Me.txtCoNum.Value, "") <> "" Then
whereSQL = whereSQL & " AND c.ApexCompany = '" & Me.txtCoNum.Value & "'"
End If
' Industry Filter In
Dim industryList As String
industryList = ""
For Each indx In Me.lstIndustry.ItemsSelected
industryList = industryList & "'" & Me.lstIndustry.ItemData(indx) & "',"
Next indx
If industryList <> "" Then
whereSQL = whereSQL & " AND c.SFIndustry IN (" & Mid(industryList, 1, Len(industryList) - 1) & ")"
End If
' State Filter In
Dim stateList As String
stateList = ""
For Each indx In Me.lstState.ItemsSelected
stateList = stateList & "'" & Me.lstState.ItemData(indx) & "',"
Next indx
If stateList <> "" Then
whereSQL = whereSQL & " AND c.State IN (" & Mid(stateList, 1, Len(stateList) - 1) & ")"
End If
' City Filter In
Dim cityList As String
cityList = ""
For Each indx In Me.lstCity.ItemsSelected
cityList = cityList & "'" & Me.lstCity.ItemData(indx) & "',"
Next indx
If cityList <> "" Then
whereSQL = whereSQL & " AND c.city IN (" & Mid(cityList, 1, Len(cityList) - 1) & ")"
End If
' Zip Filter In
Dim zipList As String
zipList = ""
For Each indx In Me.lstZip.ItemsSelected
zipList = zipList & "'" & Me.lstZip.ItemData(indx) & "',"
Next indx
If zipList <> "" Then
whereSQL = whereSQL & " AND c.zip IN (" & Mid(zipList, 1, Len(zipList) - 1) & ")"
End If
' Apex Client Filter In
Dim apexClList As String
apexClList = ""
For Each indx In Me.lstApexClients.ItemsSelected
apexClList = apexClList & "'" & Me.lstApexClients.ItemData(indx) & "',"
Next indx
If apexClList <> "" Then
whereSQL = whereSQL & " AND c.ApexID IN (" & Mid(apexClList, 1, Len(apexClList) - 1) & ")"
End If
' Salesforce Client Filter In
Dim sfClList As String
sfClList = ""
For Each indx In Me.lstSFClients.ItemsSelected
sfClList = sfClList & "'" & Me.lstSFClients.ItemData(indx) & "',"
Next indx
If sfClList <> "" Then
whereSQL = whereSQL & " AND c.ApexSFIDCaseSens IN (" & Mid(sfClList, 1, Len(sfClList) - 1) & ")"
End If
By breaking the SQL statement down into its component parts, we can easily add additional filters and attributes to the form to give the end user maximum flexibility in building their own custom reports.
The following code concatenates each SQL section together to create the final statement:
allSQL = selSQL & fromSQL & whereSQL & groupSQL
I used debug.print to print the allSQL variable to the Immediate window in the VBA editor. Here's what the final SQL statement looks like:
SELECT m.PayYear, m.quarter, c.ApexSFIDCaseSens, c.SalesforceName, SUM(m.AdminFees) as AdminFees_SUM, SUM(m.GrossPay) as GrossPay_SUM, c.SFIndustry
FROM client_list c INNER JOIN metrics m ON c.apexID = m.apexID
WHERE 1=1 AND m.MonthEndDate BETWEEN #1/1/2013# AND #12/31/2013# AND c.State IN ('UT') GROUP BY m.PayYear, m.quarter, c.ApexSFIDCaseSens, c.SalesforceName, c.SFIndustry
In order to run the SQL statement and show the report, we feed the SQL statement to the Query Definition object:
qdf.SQL = allSQL
Finally, we open the report and display the output:
DoCmd.OpenQuery "CustomReport", acViewNormal
We could just as easily export the report to Excel as follows:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "CustomReport", curPath & "\Excel Exports\CustomReport.xlsx"